Thursday, March 8, 2018

Building the Castle

It was the home of his dreams; his most favorite place in the world. Hearst Castle was an architectural marvel. Most architects believed that its construction was impossible and it became a legendary structure that only the elite who interested its King could dream of visiting.

Newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst had inherited his empire from his father. A simple man, George Hearst earned the family fortune by buying an abandoned gold mine from an owner who believed he was ripping off Mr. Hearst. While the mine had been stripped of its gold, it proved to be a very lucrative silver mine, making the Hearst family wealthy beyond its wildest dreams. George Hearst originally purchased his newspapers as a way to influence the electorate as part of his plan to become a powerful politician. After the newspapers had served their purpose, George handed them off to his son to manage as a way to keep him busy. WR Hearst built them into a giant yellow journalism empire. 

As a child, he had become enchanted by a vast parcel of land that his father had purchased near San Simeon. After his father’s death, WR begged his mother to give him control of the land. She refused, insisting that he would only waste vast amounts of money building a mammoth house. Of course, that was exactly his plan. No sooner did his mother pass away than WR began drawing up plans for his elaborate Casa Grande, built on “La Cuesta Encantada.” The house would feature his amazing art collection and provide a practical use for his priceless antiquities. His wife never took  to the property and further distanced herself from it after his other woman- actress Marion Davies, became the mistress of the castle, so to speak.

Of course, kings cannot live forever no matter how hard they try. What would happen to Hearst’s Castle? That’s a story for next time.