Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hearst Wyntoon

Nestled in the forest of Northern California is a lesser known Hearst Castle- Wyntoon, a private estate originally owned by Hearst family lawyer Charles Wheeler. Upon viewing the grounds for the first time, Hearst matriarch Phoebe Apperson Hearst begged Wheeler to sell it to her. He resisted, but eventually let her have a 99 year lease on the property. She quickly brought in her favored architect Julia Morgan to design an elaborate house on the property named "Wyntoon".


Wheeler eventually sold the land to Mrs. Hearst who left it to her niece. Despite his intense concentration on building his castle in San Simeon, the move angered her son WR Hearst, who re-purchased the property for $600,000. While it wouldn't be his crown jewel property, it still held a place in his heart. Mr. Hearst often hosted elaborate barbecues on the property. It remains in the possession of the Hearst family to this day.