Monday, October 10, 2016

Eiffel's Tower

While seen as a cultural landmark today, Paris' Eiffel Tower was a controversial addition to the 1888 World's Fair. Parisians looked down upon the structure, ridiculing its design. The fact that the tower would presumably get torn down at the end of the fair relaxed all opposition against it.

The Eiffel Tower's design was inspired by the Latting Observatory built in New York City. Unlike the Latting Observatory, which was built from wood, the Eiffel Tower would be made from steel. (The Latting Tower would burn down as a result of its being made from wood.)


After the world's fair, the tower was given a twenty year permit to operate. However, by the end of the permit expiration, the tower had become synonymous with the city and it became a world landmark. The Tower nobody wanted had become a symbol of Paris.