Saturday, September 23, 2017


We're taking a two month break! You'll see occasional updates, but we won't return to regular posting until December 1, 2017!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Solved: H.H. Holmes

We've mentioned the notorious killer H.H. Holmes before.
One of the biggest mysteries that surrounded this brutal serial killer was whether he actually paid for his crimes.

When Holmes met the hangman's noose, his body was encased within a concrete slab. It was at his request, because he feared that grim souvenir seekers would rob his grave, eager to snag a morbid relic. The rumor at the time, however, was that Holmes had found a lookalike and gave him a sizable amount of cash to fill in for him at the gallows. Legend had it that the lookalike was willing to do this because he wanted to leave a sizable fortune to his family; one far beyond his means. It was rumored that H.H. Holmes was enjoying the high life under an assumed name somewhere in the tropics.

The mystery was solved this past week, however. Holmes' descendants had his body exhumed to prove once and for all whether he was buried in the tomb. It was sad news for those who imagined a clever fiend spending his twilight years sipping drinks on a beach somewhere. The body was definitely that of H.H. Holmes.